Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!
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Topic: John Keely's Laws of Harmony
Section: Law of Matter and Force
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"Coexistensive and coeternal with space and duration, there exists an infinite and unchangeable quantity of atomoles, the base of all matter; these are in a state of constant vibratory motion, infinite in extent, unchangeable in quantity, the initial of all forms of energy."

Commentary November, 1985

Now, from the above, which reads almost identical to the current theory of quantum mechanics, it becomes apparent that if all matter and energy is vibratory motion, then for us to firmly grasp the meaning and form of matter and energy, we must study to learn the laws governing vibratory motion, which is what this publication* is all about. To study molecular forms in a test tube or electrical phenomena in a circuit is to ignore the underlying basis of that which we seek, i.e., what causes these things to be?

Indeed, the very next law, number 2, is called the Law of Corporeal Vibrations. That is why we suggested in the first issue1 for readers to begin reading about music, acoustics and other related matter. The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology is perhaps the best reference for the lay person that can be had. Your local library may have a copy or can get it for you. Subject headings of special interest would be Resonance, sympathetic vibration, quantum mechanics, oscillation and van der Waal forces.

If everything is vibratory in its inner nature, then we must look to the laws of vibration to explain their behavior. In the late 1800s it was futile to express to the world such ideas, and it proved so. Now, with quantum theories and theoretical work continually beating around the "vibratory bush" so to speak, these things have a ready basis for credulity and applicability.

The first law of sympathetic vibrations says that "coextensive and coeternal with space and duration ..." meaning that as far as space reaches and as far as time reaches so too do these "atomoles" exist. Never diminishing in quantity nor quality no matter to what extreme they are subjected. Matter has by necessity of being these necessary elucidations of space and time. The law further states that "these are in a state of constant vibratory motion, infinite in extent, unchangeable in quantity, the initial of all forms of energy." As infinite as are the forms and sizes of material objects, so too are the vibrations that make them up. The vibrations themselves are the "initial form(s) of all manifested energy."

Here of course we run right up against Einstein and his supporters who claim the reverse is true, i.e., that matter is the basis or beginning point of all energy. Take for instance the famous equation E=MC2, which would lead one to believe that energy comes from mass accelerated, the faster it is accelerated the greater the energy. From the first law of sympathetic vibrations however, we begin to see something quite extraordinary - that energy is the cause from which matter is made up!
For those of you set back by utter disbelief I suggest you read McGraw-Hill's description of quantum mechanics and some the properties of atomic and sub-atomic "particles": "It is natural to identify such fundamental constituents of matter as protons and electrons with the mass points or particles of classical mechanics. According to quantum mechanics, however, these particles, in fact all material systems, necessarily have wave-like properties."2

Yet another McGraw-Hill definition of Wave Mechanics goes like this: "The modern theory of matter holding that elementary particles (such as electrons, protons, and neutrons) have wave-like properties. In 1924 Louis deBroglie postulated that the same wave-corpuscle duality which was then known to exist in the case of light might also occur in matter; this hypothesis was subsequently verified experimentally. With contributions by the mathematical physicists Erwin Shrodinger, Max Born, Werner Heisenberg, P. A. M. Dirac and others, this theory of matter has become the highly successful quantum mechanics of the present day."2

Further on, we will look into these phantom particles from the sympathetic vibratory viewpoint. Our approach will culminate with something akin to the "quantized wave" having positive, negative and neutral "charges." These wavelets will have a frequency and hence an energy level equated to that frequency.

Therefore, energy, in the form of vibrating wavelets, precedes matter or any "solid" substance. One must inevitably realize that if subatomic "particles" are wavelets of varying frequencies and that all atoms and molecules are composed of such "particles" then all atoms and molecules (so called materiality) are nothing other than "quantized bundles of vibrating energy," whose all-inclusive existence is determined by the laws of vibrating motion and not by laws of "classical mechanics" as these laws are based on the assumption of a solid materiality. In resolving this paradox, none has given us the answer any clearer or more concisely than Mr. Keely when he stated:

"There is no dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms, as they both are ONE. FORCE is liberated matter. MATTER is force in bondage." Keely, 1893

Getting back to the Law of Matter and Force, we have now described an universe filled to the infinitely far brim with vibrating corpuscular or spherical globules called atomoles and atomolini. Interspersed between vast distances we have planets, suns, moons and all the other celestial material objects. Since all things and the universe itself is nothing other than vibratory motions, then space (or non-matter) and matter are the same things (vibraotry motions) differing only in quality and quantity. The quality of the vibratory motions and the quantity aer governed by these selfsame laws of vibraotry physics.

COMMENTARY - January, 1989

Keely is describing a great unlimited primordial sea of subatomic particles not unlike a vast sea of neutrinos or tachyons or leptons, mesons - you pick which one he is referring to. One thing is quite clear from the law above - matter is composed of these particles. In referring thusly, Keely is implying that matter is not made of the smaller particles that make up atomoles - atomolini - as these are perhaps too fine to be considered matter in his philosophy. In other words, matter, when considered as matter, is made up of the larger particles. Or when considering these particles as a body we are beyond the realms of material manifestations. They are also the basis of energy throughout the universe. Also implying that energy, as defined by man, does not apply to this realm of this atomlinic sea but is confined to the lower realms of manifestation.

Another correlation is to the new theory of strings which has been gathering notoriety of late. However, the string theory is based on a materialistic notion that there must be a material connection between these super small particles populating the universe. When push comes to shove - what is the difference between "pure" energy and "pure" matter anyway? Simply rate and mode of vibration. If the string advocates looked a little deeper they might perceive that the connecting link may be something as simple as this and thus be led to believe that maybe the connecting link is not material after all.
Keely's theory (part of which is in this first law) is not unlike the String Theory, Iverson's Crystal Universe Theory (see his article page 11), the old Ether Theory and the Meson Sea Theory. The fundamental differences are in the overall comprehensiveness of these theories and that which ties them together. To this date the only truly comprehensive theory put forth has been Keely's.
What is there that can tie the minutest particle which fills the universe to the largest Sun?

If everything is composed ultimately of vibrating bundles of focalized energies then the connecting link must be something common to these functionalities. The connecting link must therefore be some aspect of vibration or vibratory manifestations (wave forms, polarities, etc.). Pythagoras mentioned centuries ago that only number had true existence. The only difference between one frequency and another is its rate and mode. What determines rate is density or degree of focalization (degree of integrity), also ambient modulations and what determines mode is direction (relative to the neutral point of focalization and periphery points of expansion).

Also implict in this law is the idea that from each of these atomolini all else is generated - or created - brought into material manifestation in other words. The question then is how does this process of creation (material manifestation) take place? By what mechanism does it operate? Can these be duplicated? What governs them and the relationships between phenomena?

Perhaps the Ancients knew the answers to these questions. After all the Book of Genesis is the story (in allegorical form) of how God (pure energy) became materialized. What is there about Genesis that may be interpreted in modern technical or scientific terms? Perhaps the correlation may be to periodicity. This is explored and explained in Mrs. Fitzgerald Hughes' book "Harmonies of Tones and Colors - Developed Through Evolution." She says that the same way music is developed from the process of evolution - matter and light are also developed. Implying that this particular process of evolution is a universal method and is applicable to all things.

Atomoles, Keely maintains, are the basis of all matter and the initial basis of all energy. Can this be true? Matter and energy are derived from the same particle? The subtance of the atomole evolves into matter whereas its motion evolves into energy. An extraordinary thought to contemplate. Can we refer to this atomole then as a particle or as a vibration? Is it a "mind" particle? Is it the "spirit" particle or "spirit" energy underlying all Creation?

But there is a definite distinction here, as we are oft commonly finding in all of Keely's work, indicating a separation between what constitutes matter and what is not yet matter. These atomoles are composed of atomolini in his conceptions. Since he indicates the atomole is the basis of matter and energy then atomilini are "beyond" these realms. This is interesting because it may indicate that Keely considered the material and energetic realms as sensorial perceptions or those 'things' which we can perceive with our finite senses. This line of thought then leads one into a realm of 'non things' or things beyond man's perception something akin (to a lower understand) to radio waves or gamma rays. These things we can perceive with instruments yet they are impreceptible to the commonly acknowledged five senses.

Perhaps these are the particles of mind force which we have yet to empirically substantiate.
See Also:

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Tulsa Seminar
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